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Woman burning sage during a sacred ceremony

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Woman burning sage during a sacred ceremony

Activating women
back into power

Woman burning sage during a sacred ceremony

Advancement of women is the foundation for world peace

Advancement of women is the foundation for world peace

Advancement of women is the foundation for world peace

Women gathered in a circle together

Life changing experiences

We create nurturing, safe and healing spaces for women to gather together and step into their feminine power. We believe personal transformation is deeply intertwined with collective transformation.

Our events include:
Women's circles that create community

Guided group meditation experiences

Interactive workshops that share practical tools

Day retreats on the weekend

You are worthy of having time to nurture yourself, connect with like-minded women and discover your natural gifts and talents.

Community is how we create collective change.

Women gathered in a circle together

Life changing experiences

We create nurturing, safe and healing spaces for women to gather together and step into their feminine power. We believe personal transformation is deeply intertwined with collective transformation.

Our events include:
Women's circles that create community

Guided group meditation experiences

Interactive workshops that share practical tools

Day retreats on the weekend

You are worthy of having time to nurture yourself, connect with like-minded women and discover your natural gifts and talents.

Community is how we create collective change.

Step back into your rightful place, as an equal

Women gathered in a circle togehter in nature

Step back into your rightful place, as an equal

Women gathered in a circle togehter in nature
Women gathered in a circle togehter in nature

Step back into your rightful place, as an equal

What we teach
to activate women


Connect to Your Intuition

Connect to your body on a deeper level and unpack your natural intuitive gifts by listening to the cues that your body gives you, so you that connect to your inner compass to make decisions that are right for you.

Illustration of young woman meditating

Communicate Assertively

Develop techniques to become an assertive communicator and hold your power, so that you can stay grounded, self-aware and able to handle all situations in life.

Illustration of two young women chatting over tea

Identify and Set Boundaries

Discover where you are saying 'yes' when you mean 'no', and how to communicate and maintain your boundaries at work, with loved ones and friends.

Illustration of a person setting a boundary

See Emotions as Your Guides

Learn about how all your emotions, both light and deep, are your inner compass to guide you, support you and show you where you need to take action in your life.

Illustration of two people processing emotions

Create Self-Care Practices

Learn about what real self-care looks like and how to develop routines, practices and habits to support your needs and live a balanced life.

Illustration of woman practising self care

Take Action on Your Goals

Identify your core values in your life and create achievable goals with clear steps, so you can move your life forward to the future you desire to create.

Illustration of young person reaching their goal
Connect to Your Intuition

Connect to your body on a deeper level and unpack your natural intuitive gifts byΒ listening to the cuesΒ that your body gives you, so you that connect to your inner compass to make decisions that are right for you.

Identify and Set Boundaries

Discover where you areΒ saying ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’, and how to communicate and maintain your boundaries at work, with loved ones and friends.

Create Self-Care Practices

Learn about what real self-care looks like and how toΒ develop routines, practices and habitsΒ to support your needs and live a balanced life.

Communicate Assertively

Develop techniques toΒ become an assertive communicatorΒ and hold your power, so that you can stay grounded, self-aware and able to handle all situations in life.

See Emotions as Your Guides

Learn about how all your emotions, bothΒ light and deep, are your inner compass to guide you, support you and show you where you need to take action in your life.

Take Action on Your Goals

Identify yourΒ core valuesΒ in your life and create achievable goals with clear steps, so you can move your life forward to the future you desire to create.

One conversation

can change everything

Communicate your needs with confidence

Establish healthy boundaries for better relationships

Release yourself from outdated societal expectations

Activating Women

Feminine connection

Her Community events
  • Cultivating sisterhood
  • Empowering women
  • Personal transformation
Get Tickets

* Live community events
* Book tickets online

One conversation

can change everything

Spark bold confidence in young women

Create safe spaces to share, learn and engage

Release yourself from outdated societal expectations

Activating Women

Feminine connection

Her Community events
  • Cultivating sisterhood
  • Empowering women
  • Personal transformation
Get Tickets

* Live community events
* Book tickets online

One conversation

can change everything

Spark bold confidence in young women

Create safe spaces to share, learn and engage

Release yourself from outdated societal expectations

Activating Women

Feminine connection

Her Community events
  • Cultivating sisterhood
  • Empowering women
  • Personal transformation
Get Tickets

* Live community events
* Book tickets online


Inspired to make a difference?
Let’s talk.


Inspired to make a difference?
Let’s talk.

Transgender IV

We support all genders and how people choose to identify. We are an advocate for the LGBTQI+ community.